Leave the realm of not caring, where you are non-existent. What you see in the words is the truth. Once you start caring about yourself and stop lying to yourself, don't allow the mirrors to reflect the delusion. Everything about you will be the truth. You won't have to worry anymore; you will just know. You will just be. You won't worry about what others think, you won't be trying to impress them or impose your views upon them; you will become love. You will want to touch their hearts, let their souls speak. You will want all the creations to leave, to see the raw individual, unwrapped of their manifestations. Stop hindering yourself from your true potential, holding back all that is you. Don't you want to continually enhance your living, raise your consciousness to the next level? Why do you want to stay where you are? Stop fearing what is to come.

From a friend that loves all of you,
this message is written without thought,
purely pouring from the honey of my heart.
When I look deeply, through the bars, above the sky,
you are all my brothers; you are no longer on any sort of pedestal.
It's clear, each day less blurry than the prior.
Apologies for holding all of this selfishly in competition,
always paranoid that someone was trying to steal what was perceived as mine,
thinking I had to be better than my own brothers and sisters.
The only way to feel alive was to destroy others instead of helping them strive.
So, I'm sorry if this seems egocentric, narcissistic, selfish,
but I have to leave all of your worlds and begin to step into my own.
Follow the message, all the way to your soul.
Soon we will fill the deepest hole,
fill it with love.

The love you see on paper is simply a part of the self that needs to be on display. It's for all of you to see. This is to move on, to go beyond, dancing out of the shadows, feeling the warmth from the source. The vibrations and feelings are taken from all of us, unraveling the self so others can take a peek. Yes, the love broke inside. It was extremely traumatic at first. The love I had once envisioned was all a facade, a scare tactic of my very own ego. It didn't want the actual picture to be presented; it was perfectly content with the big meals it was being served on a daily basis, leeching off of others' plates, asking for seconds, wanting to take the leftovers home. Every direction I looked, ego wanted some of the glory. Since my own ego was overblown and in total control, others' egos were able to clearly communicate and take a piece of the pie. All that you see written are written apologies—for all of you, but most importantly, for myself. Yes, through your particular lens, that may appear selfish, but weren't you mentioned first? I can't apologize if I'm not here. There would be a lack of discernment within, and therefore, nothing would be able to blossom. If I didn't apologize to myself first and foremost, how would I ever be able to apologize to you? It's difficult to comprehend, it's a struggle every day, but it's the only way.

My intentions lie rooted deep in the seat of love. As I continue to enjoy loving myself, others are taking notice. There need to be more positive examples, not just for those we know, but for humanity. Start with those closest to you, spread your wings, and fly above. Wait for others' wings to form; don't try to attach them yourself. Then, fly together through the joy of life. Help others see your wings in hopes that someday their wings will guide them higher.
One person can't tell you what is right or wrong, whether it's this or that. But together, we won't have to worry about truth; truth will become. Once truth is formulated in the self, something only YOU have the power to do, truth will appear everywhere else. Questions will become answers. Answers will continue flowing, moving, breathing, pulsating throughout your embodiment. Stop lying, deceiving, concealing, manipulating, distorting, and creating your own truth. That becomes external, outside of the self, and is formulated through the egotistical lens hindering enlightenment. Let the truth be. You can't change the truth; you can only let it be. Once you start trying to exaggerate the message, it is no longer the truth. It becomes intertwined with a manifestation created in your world. We all can't live in our created worlds anymore. The universe is crying; Mother Earth is dying.

There are halos surrounding all of our heads. The divine consciousness just awaits your arrival. It's there; we've just been programmed into thinking it's not possible, that it's beyond our potential. That's setting limitations before you even have a chance to let it become your own thought. Why should we limit our potential? We sure don't try to limit our technological potential, constantly expanding, unfortunately dehumanizing. Watch where your energy is going, or if it's even flowing.
So am I naturally attracted to the self found in others, or am I simply trying to show people themselves through the experiences I have gone through? Or both, acting in unison, a joined effort in the fight? The people that are easiest to connect with, who can hear the message without words being spoken, are those in a similar state of losing something they believed was bound with love. We need to help each other release from attachment to the external and recognize that attached love is not love at all. If you are completely attached, how will you ever know who is attached to whom, what is attached to where? It all becomes a blur. Why? Through attachment, binding yourself to an external love, you lose what love really means, what the truth is, who you are. Selfishly, there are desires to go inside of you, to speak to the real you, without the manifested layers. I am free, I am unique! But that will not help, that would not benefit either of us. The thought must spawn from inside, must be grown at its own pace, and must be tended to by its master: you. The thought of bottling up that love in a single place creates visions of a volcano waiting for a massive eruption. The only thing to do is cry with you, show you the pain I've felt, and speak from the truth that spawned from within. Cultivate the love that's most important, and that is my own. If I don't love myself, I can't love you, so please, let it go. If you are willing to listen, then the intentions should be clear. Follow your own heart, not anyone else's. The message is clear: you are distorting it.

This post was written on December 26, 2006